'Sociology' which had once been treated as social philosophy, or the philosophy of the history, emerged as an independent social science in 19th century. Auguste Comte, a Frenchman, is traditionally considered to be the father of sociology. Comte is accredited with the coining of the term sociology (in 1839). "Sociology" is composed of two words : socius, meaning companion or associate; and 'logos', meaning science or study. The etymological meaning of "sociology" is thus the science of society. John Stuart Mill, another social thinker and philosopher of the 19th century, proposed the word ethology for this new science. Herbert Spencer developed his systematic study of society and adopted the word "sociology" in his works. With the contributions of Spencer and others it (sociology) became the permanent name of the new science.

The question 'what is sociology' is indeed , a question pertaining to the definition of sociology. No student can rightfully be expected to enter on a field of study which is totally undefined or unbounded. At the same time, it is not an easy task to set some fixed limits to a field of study. It is true in the case of sociology. Hence it is difficult to give a brief and a comprehensive definition of sociology.

Sociology has been defined in a number of ways by different sociologists. No single definition has yet been accepted as completely satisfactory. In fact, there are lot of definitions of sociology as there are sociologists. For our purpose of study a few definitions may be cited here.

  1. Auguste Comete, the founding father of sociology, defines sociology as the science of social phenomena "subject to natural and invariable laws, the discovery of which is the object of investigation".
  2. Kingsley Davis says that "Sociology is a general science of society".
  3. Harry M. Johnson opines that "sociology is the science that deals with social groups".
  4. Emile Durkheim: "Science of social institutions".
  5. Park regards sociology as "the science of collective behavior".
  6. Small defines sociology as "the science of social relationships".
  7. Marshal Jones defines sociology as "the study of man-in-relationship-to-men".
  8. Ogburn and Nimkoff : "Sociology is the scientific study of social life".
  9. Franklin Henry Giddings defines sociology as "the science of social phenomena".
  10. Henry Fairchild: "Sociology is the study of man and his human environment in their relations to each other".
  11. Max Weber defines sociology as " the science which attempts the interpretative understanding of social action in order thereby to arrive at a casual explanation of its course and effects".
  12. Alex Inkeles says, "Sociology is the study of systems of social action and of their inter-relations".
  13. Kimball Young and Raymond W. Mack say, "Sociology is the scientific study of social aspects of human life".
  14. Morris Ginsberg: of the various definitions of sociology the one given by Morris Ginsberg seems to be more satisfactory and comprehensive. He defines sociology in the following way: "In the broadest sense, sociology is the study of human interactions and inter-relations, their conditions and consequences".
A careful examination of various definitions cited above, makes it evident that sociologists differ in their opinion about definition of sociology. Their divergent views about the definition of sociology only reveal their distinct approaches to its study. However, the common idea underlying all the definitions mentioned above is that sociology is concerned with man, his social relations and his society.


Unknown said...

Sociology has been defined in a number of ways by different sociologists. No single definition has yet been accepted as completely satisfactory. In fact, there are lot of definitions of sociology as there are sociologists. For our purpose of study a few definitions may be cited here.

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I think that sociology is an important part in our lives because it's important in order to integrate us with the rest of people, it has been really helpful for me because I could get an excellent knowledge about sociology.

Anonymous said...

salamat dahil nalaman ko ang
sociology. ok na?

Fatima Laraib said...

I feel that sociology is a programme of communal training and nourishment of an individual which transforms him into a social actor by strengthening his attitudes, behaviors and personality.

Ajiboye ifedapo said...

sociology is a wonderful course and its very important because it is about the society(man inclusive).
Sociology is the study of man in relation to his environment.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

sociology is all about our life

Michael Ziki said...

sociology is the study of daily human actions as related to himself and to creation at large.

salina sultana said...

"sociology is the study of human beheviour
which related with social institution".

Anonymous said...

salina sultana says thats ,sociology is the study of human beheviour which related with social institute.

Anonymous said...

O n pe fun sociology

Unknown said...

Sociology is the scientific study of human social lifestyle social groups and behavior.

Daniel sathish said...

Sociology is the subject which deals with the knowledge about social groups. It is important to study at present in india to improve the nation.

Anonymous said...

"The summary of this whole subject (sociology) is (basically) the relationship between you (as a person) and the world..." Sir J.B.

Anonymous said...

it is the study of society,social interaction between persons and social AFTAB KHATTAK.

Anonymous said...

hyyyy na puchu

Ribado Ayuba said...

Sociology can be defined as the scientific study of human interaction and the product of such interaction. RibaduAyubaMuhammad

Anonymous said...

MBAGWU A.(Prof.) OSISATECH POLYTECHNIC, ENUGU: Sociology is a discipline that appreciate man in a given environment to fit into the society were he/ she belongs to avoid violence and conflict.

Ayemi Onomso said...

Sociology can be see as a way of life that guide the actions of the people.

Anonymous said...

sociology, studying human being and the interaction between human and nature.

Jeremiah Mosope Samuel said...

Sociology is the study of individual character building through his/her interactions with men on daily basis of his life.

khalidkori said...

Sociology is the study of human's to guide him for successful life to survive....

Khuriwal141 said...

Sociology is a science which dercribes our social behavior by scientific prospect.

mansoorlakho said...

plz help me im student of sociolgy plz suggest me which books i bought plz name of book and author.....thnx

maliha said...

sociology is a study of our social life in which we discuss all the aspect of our life such as our way of doing good for some one who is needy,way of wearing cloth show our culture. social needs, education intitude.. each and all aspects discuss in this subject, os we can eisly said that socilogy is a study of life

Hasanul Basar said...

sociology is a study of human society

S.Jeyagaran B.Sc [nursing] RCN Chennai said...

"sociology" is the study of human social life, groups and societies.

Anonymous said...

sociology is d scientific and systematic study of people in group.

Anonymous said...

guys check it out

jenny . i ejike said...

sociology can be defined as the study of human life in defferent manners.

Muhammad Sohail said...

It was very interesting for me to read that blog. Thanks the author for it.
I like such topics and everything that is connected to them. I would like to read more soon.

Unknown said...

It s important to human life...! :)

Anonymous said...

this is very informative. can i get some excerpts for my assignment in sociology? especially the different definitions by different theorists..

Anonymous said...

I cannot clearly cite the very essence of sociology in the human being of today.....who has an idea??

Anonymous said...

The founding father of sociology defines it as the 'science of social phenomena' big concern then from this very definition is: How does this discipline define man? Who is a human being in this perspective? Is he also a social phenomena or?? What is a human being? I think unless we start from the very foundation of defining who man is, then we may not as much grasp the notion of sociology understood in its broadest sense.....

Anonymous said...

from al definitns....i wuld summariz soc as man knwin wats up abt his environs ie evrytyn associat'd 2 man 4rm tyme of creation, conceptn,delivry,infancy,toddler,teenage,adulthood &old age...its a social structure dat hs 2 do wit human behaviour,way of life,style & politics..sociology(soc) culd b seen as a general study of al tyns 4rm d tyme of creation, mans struggle 4 suvival, challenges until death.

bianca said...

study of society and culture and designed to provide students with basic understanding of how people are organized in a society and how society influences people.

Anonymous said...

Since Sociology is the scientific study of human interaction and relationships; and no human can live in isolation; we can then say that "Sociology is Life".

Unknown said...

Aluma franc's.c. i view it as a scientific study of the origin,development,organization and function of human society.

Nazmus Sakib said...

Sociology is the study of relationships between different elements belonging to society.

Anonymous said...

David Emile Durkheim is the father of sociology of education

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Menuo said...

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Anonymous said...

sociology is a sciece with which man interacts with his society

Unknown said...

Sociology Gud working I like

Unknown said...

Sociology Gud working I like

Unknown said...

Sociology is the study of the development, organization, functioning, and classification of human societies

Unknown said...

sociology is studding of society is import social maping and organisation,social investagion group,human behavour ,and how intrac poeple in within in the world

Unknown said...

To me , sociology is the science that systematically studies the society scientifically and it's institutions ,relationship between man and it's environment and also the class in it.....

Anonymous said...

please, who known the actual date did Auguste Comte coin the term sociology and what was the name for its original text?

Unknown said...

sociology is the art of science which deals with human performance.

Unknown said...

Sociology is the science that deals with social groups

Unknown said...

"Sociology is a branch of study which is related with the consent of the society"

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

There are some spelling mistakes, some names spelled incorrectly, and some wrong names quoted against the definitions.

Unknown said...

Can I have the full details for referencing

Unknown said...

I love sociology subject

Unknown said...

I love sociology subject

Unknown said...

I like sociology

Unknown said...

Sociolgy is the science of society.
Society is the web of social relationship.

Bhatishfaq said...

Sociology is best subject for all people

Bhatishfaq said...

I am from Kashmir i am studying Ba Sociology govt degree college kulgam Kashmir

Unknown said...

It is the systematic or scientific study of human society and social behavior

Unknown said...

sociology is the science of society which study all segments of society.

Unknown said...

sociology is the study of all aspects of man in relations to all aspects of group life.

Unknown said...

Sociology is the scientific study of human behaviour and it's impact on society

Unknown said...

No Sociology is a study of social fact not individual behaviors or action that is belong to physiology

Unknown said...

Sociology is the style of live in a society.

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Rajesh Deepak said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Me reading at 1 ;30

Anonymous said...

Thank you

Anonymous said...

In which year Marshall Jones defined sociology?

Anonymous said...

very good

Anonymous said...

That is good
But I have one question what is the full meaning of sociology

Anonymous said...

No it's not life but it's the study of humans in all aspect of life

Anonymous said...

Iam socilology student

Anonymous said...

Iam socilology student

Anonymous said...

Is sociology important

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