
Humanitarianism, through a very distinguishable current of thought, it was closely related to the idea of "science of society". Humanitarianism is an ideology committed to the cause of human welfare or social welfare. The ultimate purpose of social science was also thought by almost everyone to be the welfare society. Humanitarianism entered the sphere of "social consciousness" and made the people to realise the need for doing something for the improvement of poor and needy.
Due to the influence of humanitarianism, several social service organisations, orphanages, poor houses, child protective laws came in. Great concern was shown towards the poor in the artistic, literacy, religious and political communities. Hospitals and sanitarian sprang up in many cities. Marketing provisions for drinking water facilities, educational opportunities, economic assistance etc. for the benefit of the needy, became a part of the local administrative bodies. The need more "social philosophising" was called for: a genuine application of the science of human understanding was needed. It is clear from above, that humanitarianism and social science were reciprocally related in their purposes. All that helped the cause of the one could be seen as helpful to the other.


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